Before answering this question, "Why Computer Engineering?" needs to be answered. Computer engineering is one of the most rapidly developing professions in recent years. We see this in every aspect of our lives. We don't do any work today without computers. Almost our entire life cycle continues with the help of computers.
Some other indicators to see the importance and strength of computer engineering are listed below.
Today we live our lives with computers around for every possible purpose. Without computers, many tasks could no longer be done and this could have vital consequences. For example, hundreds of sensors and computers in the cars we use ensure the safe operation of automobiles. New cars are now being built to operate without a driver (like Tesla). Self-driving vehicles will be made available to everyone in the near future, and almost every kind of control is done with computers, software and artificial intelligence. Again, most of the devices we use in our homes such as TV's, washing machines, refrigerators and so on operate thanks to the computers, sensors and software built in them. Whether we are going to hospitals, schools, workplaces or using subways, trains, airplanes to travel; computers carry out many tasks automatically and safely. And of course we all carry a computer in our pocket, and they are much more powerful than the most powerful computers of the time. Mobile phones, computer engineering wonders and artificial intelligence software and applications in them, do many things for us in our daily lives or make it easier.
At Department of Computer Engineering at Çankaya University:
Our department educates engineers who will solve computer engineering problems in almost every field of life. Following the orientation courses in the first years, courses such as software engineering, algorithm analysis, object oriented design, database systems, computer networks and operating systems enables our students to be qualified for solving various computer engineering problems. They have the opportunity to apply this education during their second and third year summer internship in industrial and institutional enterprises. In the last two years, students take elective courses such as data analysis, data mining, machine learning, and compulsory artificial intelligence and computer graphics courses. In addition to these courses, they are completing a one-year graduation project in the fourth grade. In this project, they solve a complex problem from the real world with computer engineering methods. In the first semester, our students investigate the problem of the project, analyze needs and design, and in the second semester, they perform the software and hardware solution and test of the problem in teams. In 2018, solutions to complex problems such as "Student performance evaluation analysis with big data and estimation of performance", "Detection of embolism on angioma scans using artificial intelligence", "Video segmentation using artificial intelligence", "Document classification with machine learning and deep learning", "Answering natural language questions with artificial intelligence" has been developed successfully with project teams.
More information:
According to ACM, the largest professional organization in computer engineering, computing (or computer engineering) is defined as: "Computing is a discipline that offers a wide range of rewarding and challenging opportunities to people regardless of their interests. Computing requires imagination and sensitivity to various concerns. it requires and develops the ability to solve deep, multi-dimensional problems.".
At Department of Computer Engineering at Çankaya University:
Our faculty and students are researching and developing projects for the solution of complex and difficult problems in many different fields with computer engineering methods. Difficult problems such as researching historical structures with 3-dimensional computer graphics, automatically understanding and classifying digital contents such as text / picture / video with artificial intelligence and machine learning methods are being researched and developed as student graduation projects, master's and doctoral theses. Most of the research and projects carried out in our department are multi-disciplinary due to their nature, and projects are carried out in different fields such as health, defense, management, education, telecommunication and security.
Senior Projects:
Research Projects:
Again according to ACM: "Computer engineering brings innovations in many fields of science (human genome projects, AIDS vaccine research, environmental monitoring and protection are just a few of them), as well as engineering, business, entertainment and education. If you want to create a positive difference in the world, study computer engineering."
At Department of Computer Engineering at Çankaya University:
Our faculty members, for example, analyze social media data, find active individuals in social networks, and study network dynamics, examine the structure of mitochondria in the cell structure by means of computer image processing methods in order to find out its role in aging; some of our other faculty members and students are working on the detection of embolism in blood vessels in eye retinal images by computer and deep learning methods ( Such difficult problems can only be solved by computer engineering and artificial intelligence methods, are some of the solutions are the ones that can make a difference in the real world and contribute to humanity. These methods are taught to our students in different and innovative courses (artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, data science, expert systems) at undergraduate and graduate levels, and they are also required to develop and implement projects in these courses. In our research laboratories, our faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students are continuing these innovative researches (
According to ACM: "Computer engineering jobs are among the highest paid and provide the highest job satisfaction. Computer engineering is often associated with innovation and advances in computing are driving innovation. This is the key to national competitiveness. Future developments in this area are expected to be much greater than in the past."
Computer engineering is one of the most sought-after professions all over the world. One can easily find a job anywhere in the world. This advantage does not exist in other professions. Many professions (eg medicine, dentistry, law) require local training and approval processes. Computer engineering can be performed at the same standards anywhere in the world. Even many computer engineers can do business all over the world without changing the country. Some of our students and graduates develop projects / software for companies in different countries of the world over the Internet. With the MÜDEK accreditation which is valid until 2023, our graduates have an internationally recognized diploma and this accreditation offers important advantages for our graduates in international study and graduate education.
At Department of Computer Engineering at Çankaya University:
Our graduates can rise rapidly in their fields. Some of our graduates work at major international companies such as Amazon, Microsoft and Apple, or in Turkey's leading defense industry and information technology companies (Turk Telekom, Turkcell, Havelsan, Aselsan, TAI, etc), in public instutions, in technopolises, in R&D centers and in consulting firms.
Companies and institutions are constantly sending us messages to recruit our graduates. These announcements are regularly announced to our students and alumni on our web page, LinkedIn group and via e-mail. Our graduates this year have been recruited by leading companies (Havelsan, Innova).
10 years ago, the world's largest companies were mostly energy and finance companies. Now, most of the world's largest companies are technology / computer companies. These include Apple, Alphabet (Google's parent company), Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. The chart below shows the world's largest companies in 2006 and 2016.
Each of these companies is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. For example, the top Apple company has reached $ 900 billion today. This shows that technology companies have become the most powerful companies in the world.
According to ACM: "IT is such an area that it is almost impossible to predict what will happen in the next step. So we cannot imagine the contributions you can make in this field". Even technology leaders are mistaken in predicting the importance of computers. For example, in 1943, IBM's president said, "I think there are 5 computers in the world market." In 1977, the founder of DEC said, "There is no reason for everyone to have a computer in their home." In 1981, Microsoft's founder Bill Gates said, "640K is more memory than anyone will ever need on a computer". The progress made in the field of computers in the last 20-30 years is more than anyone can imagine. We cannot even guess what will happen next. For example, Russian President Putin said in 2017 that "the leading country in the field of artificial intelligence will be the world leader". So there are still opportunities for everyone in this area. Many companies that were unheard of 5-10 years ago are today among the world's leading companies with the help of computer engineering. Yemeksepeti and Udemy from Turkey has emerged as the leading world companies, and thus will continue to rise further. There is no limit to transformation and change.
At Department of Computer Engineering at Çankaya University:
As the field of computer engineering is developing very fast, we are constantly updating our curriculum and adding current topics to our program as compulsory and elective courses. In the previous program change, we added "Artificial Intelligence" course to all our students as a compulsory course. In the last semester, we opened the "Data Science" course as an elective. In the coming academic year, we will also selectively select "Machine Learning" and "Data Mining" courses. All of these courses give the students theoretical and practical information in the general field called "Artificial Intelligence". With the knowledge they have learned in these courses, our students can find jobs more easily in innovative companies after graduation or they can become entrepreneurs by establishing their own companies.
Join the Department of Computer Engineering at Çankaya University family and lets change the world together...
Head of Department of Computer Engineering