The graduate program in computer engineering is designed to meet the demands of students preparing for the career as computer engineers, scientists or academicians. Motivated students from other backgrounds are also welcome to have an advanced education in Computer Engineering.
The students may specialize in subjects such as operating systems, networking, image processing, information retrieval, software engineering, geographic information systems, information security and gamification at advanced levels.
The Department of Computer Engineering runs two Master of Science (MS) programs: MS in Computer Engineering, MS in Computer Engineering without thesis. The latter program is designed for those who are not willing to do thesis work but would like to further their educational and professional goals.
The students must take at least 2 Core courses in order to graduate from MSc program with thesis. 7 courses should be taken in total, of which at most 3 should be selected from courses in the Restricted Electives list. The program lasts a minimum of 4 semesters. A sample program is given below.
Course Code | Course Name | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 5xx | Core (1) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Core (2) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (1) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (2) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 5xx | Elective (3) / Restricted Elective (1) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (4) / Restricted Elective (2) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (5) / Restricted Elective (3) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
RME 500 | Research Methods and Ethics | 0 0 0 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 599 | Ms Thesis | 0 0 0 | 60 |
CENG 590 | Graduate Seminar | 0 0 0 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 599 | Ms Thesis | 0 0 0 | 60 |
The students must take at least 2 Core courses in order to graduate from MSc program without thesis. 10 courses should be taken in total, of with at most 4 should be selected from courses in the Restricted Electives list. The program lasts a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 semesters. A sample program is given below.
Course Code | Course Name | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 5xx | Core (1) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Core (2) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (1) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (2) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 5xx | Elective (3) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (4) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (5) / Restricted Elective (1) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (6) / Restricted Elective (2) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 5xx | Elective (7) / Restricted Elective (3) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 5xx | Elective (8) / Restricted Elective (4) | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 592 | Graduate Project | 0 0 0 | 15 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 590 | Graduate Seminar | 0 0 0 | 7.5 |
CENG 592 | Graduate Project | 0 0 0 | 15 |
CENG 599 | Ms Thesis | 0 0 0 | 60 |
RME 500 | Research Methods and Ethics | 0 0 0 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 501 | Advanced Operating Systems | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 502 | Advanced Computer Networks and Communication | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 503 | Advanced Image Processing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 505 | Parallel Computing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 507 | Neural Computing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 508 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 509 | Pattern Recognition | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 511 | Advanced Algorithms | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 520 | Information Security | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 526 | Software Architecture | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 531 | Gamification | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 555 | Information Retrieval | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 557 | Software Quality Assurance and Testing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 567 | Data Mining | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 572 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 582 | Advanced Innovative Game Design | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 584 | Advanced 3D Game Programming | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 500 | Numerical Methods in Optimization | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 506 | Microprocessors and Embedded Systems | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 512 | Computer Simulation | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 513 | Object Oriented Analysis and Design | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 514 | Advanced Computer Graphics | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 517 | Cognitive Aspects of Natural Language Processing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 521 | Topics in Advanced Database | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 522 | Advanced Object Oriented Programming | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 528 | Multimedia Security | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 534 | Multimedia and Internet | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 536 | Advanced Computer Aritmetic | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 539 | Essentials of Network Routing and Switching | 2 2 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 540 | Advanced Network Routing and Switching | 2 2 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 545 | Graphics Processing Unit Computing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 561 | Remote Sensing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 566 | Coding Theory | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 568 | Knowledge Engineering | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 569 | Big Data | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 571 | Distributed Computing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 574 | Advanced Application Design for Mobile Devices | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 595 | Selected Topics in Computer Engineering I | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 596 | Selected Topics in Computer Engineering II | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | ECTS |
CENG 606 | Advanced Computer Architecture | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 608 | Operating System and Network Security | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 611 | Theory of Computation | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 612 | Graph Theory | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 613 | Spatial Programming | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 614 | Computational Geometry | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 621 | Machine Learning | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 622 | Speech Processing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 623 | Artificial Neural Networks | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 624 | Natural Language Processing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 625 | Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 626 | Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 627 | Cloud Computing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 628 | Computer Vision | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 629 | Virtual Reality | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 630 | Advanced Software Engineering | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 685 | Selected Topics in Computer Science and Engineering I | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
CENG 686 | Selected Topics in Computer Science and Engineering II | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
EE 571 | Biomedical Signal Processing | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 501 | Linear Optimization Methods | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 502 | Stochastic Processes | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 507 | Nonlinear Optimization Methods | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 508 | Graph Theory with Applications | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 511 | Discrete Optimization Methods | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 527 | Simulation Moldelling and Analysis | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 551 | Multiple Criteria Decision Making | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
IE 552 | Heuristic Methods for Optimization | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
MATH 503 | Scientific Compulation I | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
MATH 512 | Scientific Compulation II | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
MATH 551 | Analytical Methods for Engineers | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
ME 502 | Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineers | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
ME 536 | Advanced Robotics | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
MECE 584 | Robot Vision | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
MECE 587 | Optimization | 3 0 3 | 7.5 |
Course Code and Title | CENG 590 - Graduate Seminar |
Credits | 0 0 0 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Presentation and discussion of current issues and works by graduate students in their relevant fields. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 592 - Graduate Project |
Credits | 0 0 0 (ECTS: 15) |
Course Description | This course is required for students who are enrolled in "Non-Thesis" program. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 599 - Ms Thesis |
Credits | 0 0 0 (ECTS: 60) |
Course Description | Directed independent research on a specific topic approved by the student's adviser. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | RME 500 - Research Methods and Ethics |
Credits | 0 0 0 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 501 - Advanced Operating Systems |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Advances in operating systems, Concurrent programming, Synchronization primitives and their applications, Network and distributed operating systems, Operating systems and mobile devices, Advances in file systems, Security issue, Assignment and projects. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 502 - Advanced Computer Networks and Communication |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Motivation and Applications, TCP/IP Protocol Suit Issues, Wireless Transmission, Frequencies and Signals, Signal propagation, Medium Access Control, Wireless LANs and their protocols, Mobile ad-hoc networks, Project and assignments. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 503 - Advanced Image Processing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Elements of digital image processing, Image model, Sampling and quantization, Image Transforms, Image Enhancement, Color Image Processing, Edge detection, Image Segmentation, Representation and Description, Morphological Image Processing. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 505 - Parallel Computing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Parallel computers, Parallelism and data processing, Taxonomy of parallel architectures, Interconnection networks, Performance of parallel systems: speedup, efficiency, cost, granularity and sources of parallel overhead; Fundamental concepts: memory hierarchy, communication, locality, latency, synchronization, load balancing; Parallel programming models: data parallel, shared address space, message passing. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 507 - Neural Computing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Fundamentals of neural Networks, Perception, Multilayer perceptions and backpropagation algorithms, Unsupervised learning and self organization maps, Neurodynamics (Hofleid Model), Radial basis function networks. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 508 - Artificial Intelligence |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Exploring natural events, Goal reduction, Finding solution paths, Games, Logic, Advanced knowledge representation, Natural language of understanding, Matching, Applications. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 509 - Pattern Recognition |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Machine perception, Parameter estimation, Learning, Linear discriminate functions, Clustering, scene analysis, Bayes decision theory, Non-parametric techniques, Applications of pattern recognition. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 511 - Advanced Algorithms |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | The Complexity Of Algorithms, Lower And Upper Bound Theory, Design Of The Divide-And-Conquer, The Greedy Approach, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking, Branch-And-Bound, NP-Complete And NP-Hard Problems, Deterministic And Non-Deterministic Polynomial Type Algorithms, Introduction To Cryptography Algorithms, Public Key Cryptosystems. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 520 - Information Security |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Essentials of information security, Determination of IT-security risks, Specification of security objectives and security policy, Network packet capture and analysis, Protocol decoding, Security scanning and attacks, Techniques and tools in penetration testing, Security risks, Design and test IT-security procedures and mechanisms, Scan IP networks, Discover and monitor intrusions and vulnerability within a specific range of threats. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 526 - Software Architecture |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | The need for software architecture, Construction versus development of software, Non-functional requirements and essentials of architecture, Modeling software architecture, Reviewing and analyzing software architecture, Tradeoff analysis, Architecture description languages, The role of agile methodologies in architecture, Pattern-oriented development, Interface-oriented development, Service-oriented architecture and Software product lines. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 531 - Gamification |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Definition of game elements, Theory of games and game-based economic models, Game-based incentives improvement, Self-determination theory and its practice of game-based software design constraints, The business process and framework for gamification, Final project development, Project iterations and feedbacks. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 555 - Information Retrieval |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Theory and practice of searching and retrieval of text and bibliographic information, Automated indexing, Statistical and linguistic models, Text classification, Boolean and probabilistic approaches to indexing, Query formulation and output ranking, Information routing and filtering, Topic detection and tracking, Retrieval effectiveness, Miss/false-alarm. Techniques for enhancing retrieval effectiveness including relevance feedback, Query reformulation, Thesauri, and concept extraction. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 557 - Software Quality Assurance and Testing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Process models, Software quality, Quality assurance, Quality metrics, Construction of SQA, SQA planning, Quality standards, CMM, IEEE,ISO(9001), Software testing techniques, Black box and white box testing, Test strategies, Unit test, Integration testing, and System testing. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 567 - Data Mining |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | What is data mining?, Data mining strategies and techniques, Decision trees, Association rules, K-means algorithm and statistical models, Tools used for data mining, Knowledge discovery in databases, Evaluation methods, Advanced data mining techniques, Intelligent systems. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 572 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Definition of the GIS, Components of a GIS, Maps and Their Influence on the GIS, Map Projection Systems, Spatial Data Models, Spatial Data Structures, Sources of Spatial Data, Spatial Database Models, Creation of a Spatial Database, GIS Database Applications, GIS Software and Hardware, Spatial Data Visualization, Symbolization of Spatial Data, Spatial Queries and Analysis, Spatial Programming. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 582 - Advanced Innovative Game Design |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Foundations of game development, Game design process, The mechanics and dynamics of game atoms, Game theoretic analysis of non-digital (i.e. board/card) games, The interaction and balance mechanisms for games, Game design projects, Game development iterations and feedbacks. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 584 - Advanced 3D Game Programming |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | The basic principles of 3D game programming, Implementing and testing 3D game prototypes by using popular 3D game engines, The practice of controlling and balancing of video games, Advance game programming techniques, GUI design, and adding multimedia elements; Digital game prototyping, Iterations and feedbacks. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 500 - Numerical Methods in Optimization |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Optimization problems, Extreme of functions of n variables, Linear programming and the simplex method, Non-linear programming, Definition of optimization, Applications of optimization problems. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 506 - Microprocessors and Embedded Systems |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Basic components of a Single-Board-Computer, Microprocessors and micro controllers, Microprocessor based systems, Machine coding, Assembly language programming and High-Level-Languages (HLL), Computer architecture and assembly language, Hardware-software design, From gates to registers, Review of digital electronics, Register model of memories, and input and output (I/O) ports; Basic I/O protocols, Interrupts. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 512 - Computer Simulation |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Fundamental concepts of computer simulation and its role in solving engineering problems, Simulation processes, Models and systems, Discrete and continuous simulation modelling, Decision making with simulation, and Animations. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 513 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Classical and modern methods, Comparative analysis of software development paradigms, Object orientation, Object oriented analysis and design of Coad-Yourdon and Rumbaugh, Applying OOD criteria, Introducing UML (Unified Modeling Language), Introducing Component base development and design Patterns. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 514 - Advanced Computer Graphics |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Review of hardware and software used in graphic systems, Introduction to programming with OpenGL, Graphic primitives, 2D and 3D geometric transformations, Two dimensional viewing: viewing pipeline, clipping, and windowing; There dimensional viewing: viewing pipeline, viewing parameters, projections, viewing transformations, clipping; Visible surface detection, Introduction to illumination models and surface rendering, Introduction to ray tracing. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 517 - Cognitive Aspects of Natural Language Processing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | A quick review of Prolog, DCG grammars and DCG parsers, Parsing Algorithms. Semantics and Logic, Computational aspects of linguistic theories, Human sentence processing, Interpretation, Information structure, Ambiguity resolution, Interactions in multi-component grammars. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 521 - Topics in Advanced Database |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Principles, Facilities and applications of database management systems, Relational data model, Relational operators, Relational algebra, Relational calculus, Relational database design, Functional dependencies, Normal forms, Distributed databases, Distributed database design, Distributed query processing, Concurrence control Deductive databases, Syntax and semantics query processing, Object Oriented data model, Complex values, Additional operators, Practical query language. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 522 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | OObject-Oriented Programming and Procedural Programming, Classes and Abstract Data Types, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Interfaces and Components, Object-Oriented Programming and UML, Graphics and Event Handling. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 528 - Multimedia Security |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Multimedia compression, Encryption, Steganography, Watermarking, Security attacks, Multimedia quality measurements, MATLAB applications. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 534 - Multimedia and Internet |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Architectures for Multimedia Systems, Digital Audio, Video Technology and Image Compression, Computer Graphics, Multimedia Information Systems, Multimedia Communication Systems, Structure of the Internet, Methods of Storing and Accessing Data on the Internet. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 536 - Advanced Computer Aritmetic |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Hardware realization of arithmetic functions, Theory, specification and design of hardware algorithms and circuits; Implementation of arithmetic operations, Architectural and algorithmic speedup techniques, Operations on Residue number systems (RNS), Digital Signal Processing. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 539 - Essentials of Network Routing and Switching |
Credits | 2 2 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | The course covers essential concepts in the computer networks such as, network operating systems, network protocols, addressing in the Internet, building small networks, and data center networking, load balancing and providing quality of service. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 540 - Advanced Network Routing and Switching |
Credits | 2 2 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | The course provides the students with the required capabilities to analyze and design switching and routing networks. The main topics covered in the course are: implementing Virtual Local Area Networks, troubleshooting switching networks connectivity, understanding OSPF and EIGRP-based routings, understanding security issues and Access Control Lists, learning network device management tools. |
Prerequisites | CENG 539 |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 545 - Graphics Processing Unit Computing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Awareness about Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and GPU programming, CUDA for parallel computing on the GPU, Optimize time consuming computing problems on GPUs, Knowledge about parallel programming. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 561 - Remote Sensing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Fundamentals of remote sensing, Describe application and techniques of remote sensing, Remote sensing data collection and processing, Characteristics of digital image data, Satellite sensors, Image processing and analysis, Apply remote sensing design concepts. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 566 - Coding Theory |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Basics notions and combinatorial bounds of coding theory, Shannon coding theorem and noise models, Classical code constructions, Reed-Solomon decoding and applications, Expander codes and linear time error-correction, List decoding, Error-correction with optimal redundancy, Iterative decoding methods and belief propagation, Codes in computational complexity. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 568 - Knowledge Engineering |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Overview of AI, Overview of knowledge-based systems, Knowledge acquisition methods, Knowledge representation techniques, Backward, forward and hybrid chaining in rule-based production systems; Conflict resolution, Treatment of uncertainty, Rule and decision-tree induction, Case studies. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 569 - Big Data |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Overview and exploration of big data analytics techniques and algorithms including clustering, data mining, streaming and machine learning. Topics may include data storage and access mechanisms, Spark and Spark streaming, applications of Spark ML library, basic neural networks using big data and deep learning APIs and frameworks (Tensorflow etc.), and basic machine learning algorithms applied to big data which is collected from real world domains such as finance, health etc. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 571 - Distributed Computing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Introduction to parallel and distributed computing, Taxonomy of parallel and distributed computer systems, Networking and distributed operating systems, Tools for parallel and distributed computing, Parallel and distributed programming models, Message passing Interface (MPI), Security, Project and assignments. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 574 - Advanced Application Design for Mobile Devices |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | Design and development of real-world mobile applications for different mobile platforms (e.g. iOS, Android, Windows Phone), Android mobile applications, The course combines a conceptual overview, design issues, and practical development issues. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 595 - Selected Topics in Computer Engineering I |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | This course consists of lectures, seminars, and readings covering the latest advances and research in Computer Engineering such as simulation, communication, computer hardware and software. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 596 - Selected Topics in Computer Engineering II |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | This course consists of lectures, seminars, and readings covering the latest advances and research in Computer Engineering such as simulation, communication, computer hardware and software. |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 606 - Advanced Computer Architecture |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 608 - Operating System and Network Security |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 611 - Theory of Computation |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 612 - Graph Theory |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 613 - Spatial Programming |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 614 - Computational Geometry |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 621 - Machine Learning |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 622 - Speech Processing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 623 - Artificial Neural Networks |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 624 - Natural Language Processing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 625 - Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 626 - Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 627 - Cloud Computing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 628 - Computer Vision |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 629 - Virtual Reality |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 630 - Advanced Software Engineering |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 685 - Selected Topics in Computer Science and Engineering I |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | CENG 686 - Selected Topics in Computer Science and Engineering II |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | EE 571 - Biomedical Signal Processing |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 501 - Linear Optimization Methods |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 502 - Stochastic Processes |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 507 - Nonlinear Optimization Methods |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 508 - Graph Theory with Applications |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 511 - Discrete Optimization Methods |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 527 - Simulation Moldelling and Analysis |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 551 - Multiple Criteria Decision Making |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | IE 552 - Heuristic Methods for Optimization |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | MATH 503 - Scientific Compulation I |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | MATH 512 - Scientific Compulation II |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | MATH 551 - Analytical Methods for Engineers |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | ME 502 - Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineers |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | ME 536 - Advanced Robotics |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | MECE 584 - Robot Vision |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |
Course Code and Title | MECE 587 - Optimization |
Credits | 3 0 3 (ECTS: 7.5) |
Course Description | - |
Prerequisites | - |
Course Web Page | |