
Undergraduate Elective Courses

Departmental Technical Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsECTSPrerequisites
CENG 344Introduction to Java Programming2 2 35-
CENG 346Compiler Design3 0 35-
CENG 348Essentials of Geospatial Information Technologies2 2 35-
CENG 353Information Systems Analysis and Design3 0 35-
CENG 358Practical UML3 0 35-
CENG 361Innovative Game Design3 0 35-
CENG 394Human Computer Interaction3 0 35-
CENG 434Mobile and Wireless Computing3 0 35-
CENG 435Introduction to Data Security and Cryptography0 0 35-
CENG 439Internetworking2 2 35CENG 290
CENG 440Advanced Internetworking2 2 35CENG 439
CENG 444Advanced Java Programming2 2 35-
CENG 460Introduction to Multimedia Computing3 0 35-
CENG 462Digital Image Processing3 0 35-
CENG 464Introduction To Data Mining3 0 35-
CENG 468Knowledge Engineering3 0 35-
CENG 471Parallel Computing2 2 35CENG 114, CENG328
CENG 474Introduction to Data Science3 0 35-
CENG 475Data Visualization3 0 35-
CENG 476Big Data3 0 35-
CENG 480Machine Learning3 0 35CENG 466
CENG 481Artificial Neural Networks3 0 35CENG 466
CENG 483Internet of Things3 0 35-
CENG 485Introduction to Blockchain Technology3 0 35-
CENG 489Software Quality Assurance3 0 35-
CENG 499Special Topics in Computer Engineering3 0 36-
At least 3 of 5 "Technical Elective Course"s must be departmental (CENG). Permission of department and advisor is required for accepting a course not included in this list as a "Technical Elective Course".
Non-departmental Technical Elective Courses
Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsECTSPrerequisites
CE 270Fluid3 2 4-PHYS131, MCS155
CE 350Airport Engineering3 0 3--
CE 352Transportation Engineering3 0 3--
EE 208Electronics I3 2 4--
EE 304Telecommunications Essentials3 0 3--
EE 458Statistical Signal Processing3 0 3--
EE 465Power Systems3 0 3--
EE 467Digital Signal Processing3 0 3--
EE 476Design of Analog CMOS I3 0 3--
IE 232Operations Research I - Modeling3 2 4-IE101
IE 241Cost Analysis in Engineering3 0 3--
IE 327System Simulation3 2 4-IE228
IE 341Engineering Economic Analysis3 0 3--
IE 365Manufacturing and Service Systems Planning I3 2 4-IE232
IE 412Applied Time Series Analysis3 0 3--
IE 446Engineering Project Management3 0 3--
ME 203Statics3 0 3-PHYS131
ME 206Dynamics3 0 3-PHYS131, ME203
ME 445Computer Aided Design3 0 3-PHYS131, ME203
MECE 302Sensors and Measurement2 2 3--
MECE 401Introduction to Robotics3 2 4--
MECE 444Pattern Recognition3 2 4--
SENG 405Mobile Application Development2 2 35-
SENG 445Computer Vision3 0 35-
SENG 448Cloud Computing3 0 35-
SENG 454Game Design Patterns3 0 35-
SENG 460Introduction to Deep Learning3 0 35-
SENG 470Cloud Gaming3 0 35-
SENG 474Human Computer Interaction3 0 35-
At most two courses can be taken as "Non-departmental Technical Elective Course". Permission of department and advisor is required for accepting a course not included in this list as a "Non-departmental Technical Elective Course". Courses marked with * sign in Prerequisites column are not strictly necessary but are advised to have been enrolled to and successfully completed prior.
Social Sciences Elective Courses

Click here for the list of social science elective courses for Computer Engineering. Our students are required to select courses marked with X under CENG column.

Important: Students may enroll to only one course from PESxxx or THEAxxx groups.