
For Prospective Students

Computer Engineering: Why?

Computer engineering graduates can easily become entrepreneurs and establish their own companies at a very young age. They can find investors from all over the world. For example Udemy [3] and YemekSepeti [4] are two IT companies founded by computer engineers in Turkey; one is an online education company that has moved to Silicon valley, has received over 173 million dollars of investment as of 2016 and has turned into a company with a value close to billion dollars, and the other is an online food ordering site sold to a German company for half a billion dollars. With the support of public institutions, many of our new computer engineering graduates set up their own company and pursue their dreams.

In addition, the fact that computer engineering graduates have more job opportunities abroad increases the attractiveness of this department.

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Department of Computer Engineering at Çankaya University: Why?

MÜDEK accrediated (international diploma validity) up-to-date undergraduate curriculum
100% English education
Internationally trained and experienced academic staff
CISCO CCNA (Computer Networks Administration) certificate training with laboratory
Double major and minor programs
Scholarship for academic excellence (50% scholarship if GPA is between 3.50 and 4.00, 20% scholarship if GPA is between 3.00 and 3.49)
Opportunity to study and do internship abroads thanks to Erasmus programs
Possibility to specialize in Artificial Intelligence Track
MSc and PhD opportunities in the same department after graduation
Active student clubs

As a result of the statistical analysis performed on the students who graduated in the last 5 years, 93% of our graduates showed that they had a job within 1 year following their graduation. Our graduates are employed in major local institutions such as Türk Telekom, Havelsan, Innova, Social Security Institution, TÜRKSAT, TUBITAK, as well as international companies such as Amazon, Apple and Microsoft.

Some of the graduation projects developed by our department students in the senior year are presented below:

Göbekli Tepe VR
Hakem Hatalarına Sanal Çözüm

Some other projects developed by our students are listed below:

Teaching and Research Staff

Bölüm Kadromuz
Assist. Prof.  Dr. Atila BOSTANAssist. Prof. Dr. Atila BOSTAN
Doctorate: Gazi University
Master: Middle East Technical University
Bachelor: Turkish Army War College
Research Interests: -
Assist. Prof.  Dr. Abdül Kadir GÖRÜRAssist. Prof. Dr. Abdül Kadir GÖRÜR
Doctorate: Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta
Master: Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta
Bachelor: Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta
Research Interests: Information Retrieval, Text Categorization, Search Engines
Assist. Prof.  Dr. Murat SARANAssist. Prof. Dr. Murat SARAN
Doctorate: Middle East Technical University
Master: Middle East Technical University
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Gamification, Intelligent Learning Systems, Distance Education, Mobile Learning
Prof. Dr. Hayri SEVERProf. Dr. Hayri SEVER
Doctorate: Louisiana University
Master: Maine University
Bachelor: Hacettepe University
Research Interests: Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Multimedia Retrieval Models and Systems, Spatial Indexing and Databases, Uncertainty Reasoning, Business Process Management, Machine Learning, and Speech Analysis.
Research Assistant Can ATEŞResearch Assistant Can ATEŞ
Doctorate: -
Master: Çankaya University , in progress.
Bachelor: Çankaya University
Research Interests: -
Research Assistant Simay EKEResearch Assistant Simay EKE
Doctorate: -
Master: Cankaya University
Bachelor: -
Research Interests: -
Research Assistant Sezer UĞUZResearch Assistant Sezer UĞUZ
Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: -
Research Interests: -
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül TOKDEMİRAssoc. Prof. Dr. Gül TOKDEMİR
Doctorate: Middle East Technical University
Master: Georgia Institute of Technology
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University
Research Interests: Software Engineering, Health Informatics, Human Computer Interaction
Assist. Prof.  Dr. Serdar ARSLANAssist. Prof. Dr. Serdar ARSLAN
Doctorate: METU
Master: METU
Bachelor: Hacettepe University
Research Interests: Database Management Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Assist. Prof.  Dr. Ayşe Nurdan SARANAssist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nurdan SARAN
Doctorate: Middle East Technical University
Master: Cankaya University
Bachelor: Ankara University
Research Interests: Information Security and Cryptography Numerical Computations
Assist. Prof.  Dr. Faris Serdar TAŞELAssist. Prof. Dr. Faris Serdar TAŞEL
Doctorate: Middle East Technical University
Master: Çankaya University
Bachelor: Çankaya University
Research Interests: Computer Vision, Image Processing